Web Development
Vertical Solutions, Inc.
As the Marketing Design Manager at Vertical Solutions, I was a one-man army of everything marketing - which also included designing and updating the company website. When I started, I took over an extremely-dated (think 90's) and poorly patched-together website. Upper management was already aware of the dire need for a major overhaul; and that was partially the reason I, specifically, was hired.
First, I setup a vigorous planning & design schedule: my goal was to (1) articulately identify the old website's shortcomings, (2) define the vision for the new website, and (3) prioritize the "must-have"s & "nice-to-have"s. Then, I started building the HTML from stratch, with an initial focus on the most important aspect of the site: the solutions/products pages. Through meetings with the upper management, I generated multitudes of iterations that organically evolved into the go-live ready state.
The new & fresh website received high praise and leveraged the company branding. Additionally, various web analytics (such as Avg Clicks and Time on Page) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) were noticably improved.